No way! Either you’re smart or your dumb, right? Not anymore. According to a number of “experts” (smart people!), the old concept of intelligence, as defined by IQ test scores, is passe.
For many people that offers a breath of fresh air. How many times have you been frustrated because you know that you are “smart,” but you just can’t seem to convince other people (i.e. your teachers, bosses, etc..)? Why? Because you didn’t score well on achievement tests, or get good grades in school. Or because when you try to write something or give an oral presentation, you either go blank or fumble around.
You aren’t alone. Thomas Armstrong has written a refreshing book, “7 Kinds of Smart” affirming that – yes – there are many (7 to be exact) ways to be smart and that each is unique and valuable. Interestingly enough, the different forms of intelligence have been located in different areas of the brain (i.e. left brain is verbal; right brain is spatial, musical and mathematical), through studying people with brain damage due to accidents, strokes, or other medical conditions.
Our society has focused mainly on linguistic and mathematical/logical types of intelligence. Schools act as if these are the only ways to be smart – and that proficiency in these areas is the only measure of success and worth as a human being. As important as these forms of smarts are, the other five forms of intelligence are important and make humanity the rich mosaic of talent that it is!
What are the different kinds of “smarts”?
- Word Smart Linguistic (ability to express oneself in words on paper and aloud and to conceptualize ideas and thoughts verbally). Major form of intelligence used in school, on IQ test; essence of what people normally think of as smart.
- Picture Smart Spatial (art, architecture, engineering, graphic design, photography, etc.)
- Music Smart Musical (composing, playing musical instruments, singing, retaining melodies, pitch, etc.)
- Body Smart Kinesthetic (athletic ability, physical strength, endurance, coordination)
- Logic Smart Logic/Mathematics (reasoning, math, science, computers, technology)
- People Smart Interpersonal (people skills; dealing with others/relationships; working in teams, etc.)
- Self Smart Intrapersonal (self-knowledge – search for enlightenment, inner peace, meditation, spirituality, personal growth, etc.)
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